Monday, March 2, 2015

Mommy "KAT-fessions"

Before I became a mom, I always say things that I wouldn't do once I become a mother. Things that I would and would not do and some bunch  stuff. Sometimes, I like to think that becoming a parent makes your brain cells act pretty weird and all the things you've said before are suddenly - Poof, Gone.  You go to the hospital pretty intelligent equipped with all the ideas and advises you've researched prior to giving birth. But as soon as you see your little one right there in your arms looking back at your face, everything would change. Turns out you really aren't smart at all. Being a parent is really not easy. There is no reviewer or a book that you can read that explains much about parenting.

So today, I’d like to share what motherhood did to me :D Most of my realizations are on the positive side, but here are some confessions that I'd like to spill.

·         I never liked ME time way back, but as soon as I had my daughter, I've always wanted some time alone for myself, not with my daughter, not with my husband. Just me. My me time right now is whenever I say I am going to poop while I bring my phone with me in the rest room.

·         Sometimes, but not all the time, I use my daughter to excuse myself from getting out of social obligations.

·         I easily get distracted whenever I have my phone with me. While I lull my daughter to sleep on my right arm, I have my phone with me on my left hand. Facebooking.

·         I hope my boss do not see this, but sometimes I call in sick just to be with my daughter and to recharge my body due to lack of sleep :D

·         I.Do.Not.Save - as in I buy lots of unnecessary stuff for my daughter without my husband even knowing it. I always ask the seller to ship the package here at my office so he wouldn't know that I have new items for my daughter.

·         I am unable to keep up with the mess.

·         Before I had Milly, I’ve always disliked moms who keep on posting pictures of their babies, but I am guilty as charged, I am already part of that club.  

·         I sometimes blame myself for not getting enough sleep because I stay up and stare at my Facebook newsfeed.

·         Yep, I use iPad as her baby sitter.  (Well, but not most of the time) 

·         I always C-H-E-A-T. Not the third party cheat kind of thing. I always get cheat days. I always tell myself that I am on a strict diet, but everyday is like a cheat day for me. (And now I am wondering why I still have  this extra flappy belly)

·         I feel proud of my  our genes. Didn't know that my husband and I have a good combination. In my own world, my daughter is the MOST BEAUTIFUL. :) 

It has only been 8 months and I am pretty sure that my list will be updated every now and then. Wait until Milly becomes a toddler. 

How about you mommas? Do you have any confessions to share? ☻ 


  1. amen to me time in the toilet and more self-love! hahaha :)

  2. Very honest post :) I'm sure not everyone can be brutally honest at this one.
    We do change for the better when we become Moms!

  3. Mamahood is tough! But happy I am a mama, how motherhood made me a better version of myself.

  4. Hi Kat, haha. I feel some of your confessions are same with mine. :D Mommyhood changes everything. :)

  5. This one is my favorite:

    Sometimes, but not all the time, I use my daughter to excuse myself from getting out of social obligations.

    But these days I'm trying to get away with excuses. I go when I want to go and I say NO immediately if I do not wish to be with them... It was hard at first... it took me a long time to master the craft of saying NO but it's all worth it. Thanks for sharing Katrina!

  6. Me time in the toilet - guilty!

  7. Haha! Guilty of the same things too! Especially the stuff about FB. I am on an FB diet these days because my phone died several days ago. I am having a panic attack about it already!

  8. I taught my daughter how to cook so that whenever I feel lazy, she gets to be in charge of the kitchen. That is on the pretense that I am teaching her domestic skills. Guilty! -Edel

  9. We have so much in common. Ako I appreciate even an hour a day for myself, kasi minsan may days talaga na kahit 1 hour di ko na magawa even if I wanted to. But still di ko ipagpapalit ang pagiging mommy ko. I feel I was born to be a mom.

  10. I love your honesty! Thank you for sharing! We have some things in common!

  11. That is soo me! Lalo na with the buying things. I have it shipped naman in my mom's house then will get it from there para kunwari, my mom bought it for my girls. Hahaha!

  12. Guess most of us feel this way about being a mom. But even I this isn't what I planned to be, I am happy and fulfilled!

  13. I get my "me time" in the toilet rings true to me.


Lazada Philippines
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