Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nail art is Love

Nail art is one of the reasons I wish I was ambidextrous. This hobby makes me really busy every day, and it helps relieve stress.

There is something about painting my nails  that makes me very happy and really fulfilled whenever I see the designs I have painted my nails. This is a new discovered talent, and I want to improve it! ♥ Me, who doesn't know how to draw can actually paint nails. How cool is that. ☻

Everyday I am learning new strokes and techniques. I love the process how I learn new designs, and looking at the styles how I painted my nails, I can truly say that I am getting better everyday.

Here's my latest work: 

And these are the designs I have tried so far. ☻

Thanks Cathy for allowing me to paint your nails ☻

Oh, have I mentioned that I also painted my hubby's toenails? Haha! Sorry babe for posting this. Tee hee. 

And these are my tools. ☻

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